Beauty Report: The Benefits of A Professional Facial
It may be surprising to learn that a beauty obsessed gal like myself has never dove into the world of professional skincare. That all changed last weekend when I finally took the plunge and got my first facial by an aesthetician.
GorJess Travels: The Kentucky Castle
Photo: The Kentucky Castle
If you live in or around the Lexington/Versailles area, or plan on visiting in the future you need to stop what you’re doing and immediately add The Kentucky Castle to your must-see list.
New In Town: Cos Bar
As a full time beauty blogger and magazine columnist, as well as a part-time makeup artist to say I have a strong love for cosmetics would be an understatement. And while I do love all makeup, I have a specific obsession with high end products. Call me ‘boujee’ if you must, but few things bring me more joy than a fresh tube of Tom Ford lipstick.
New In Town: Draper James
Image Courtesy of Draper James
There are few stores that scream ‘southern hospitality’ quite like Reese Witherspoon’s successful chain, Draper James. Created by the Tennessee native, the first Draper James opened in Nashville in 2015 with an emphasis on Reese’s southern upbringing and coveted personal style. Next came a location in Dallas, Texas, and now our very own in Lexington.